Winchester 5.56x45 Ammunition - 800 Rounds of 62 Grain FMJ M855

  • Manufacturer - Winchester
  • Grain Weight - 62 Grain
  • Muzzle Velocity - 3,060 fps
  • Jacket Type - Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) M855
Winchester manages the U.S. government’s Lake City Army Ammunition Plant – which is precisely where this fine 5.56x45 M855 ammunition comes from. If you’d like to fire military ammo without actually joining the military (or you have already joined the military, and have discovered they won’t let you take ammo home with you), then this four-box case of 800 rounds will prove right up your alley!

This round’s 62 grain FMJ projectile will attract a magnet, but it won’t do so because it has a bimetal jacket. The FMJ’s tip is painted green to indicate that the front half of its core is made of steel (the rest of the core is lead). Its hard steel tip allows the M855 bullet to penetrate sheet steel and other tough barriers, as well as break apart into two pieces if it enters a soft medium.

The M855 ought to function correctly in any 5.56 firearm you own. It’ll exhibit its best rotational stability in conjunction with a 1:8” or 1:9” rate of twist. Take care: some commercial ranges will not allow this ammo behind their doors, as the M855 bullet can damage their equipment.

This ammo is newly manufactured for the commercial market – not military surplus of indeterminate age. Its Boxer primers are noncorrosive. Its brass cases weren’t shined up after they were strengthened via annealing, which affects their cosmetics and nothing more.
  • Product Type Ammo
  • Manufacturer Winchester
  • Condition New
  • Bullet Weight 62 Grain
  • Bullet Style Penetrator
  • Use Type Range Training, Self Defense
  • Casing Type Brass
  • Quantity 800
  • Caliber 5.56x45mm
  • Manufacturer SKU WM855200
  • Primer Type Boxer
  • Muzzle Velocity 3060
  • Muzzle Energy 1289
  • Magnetic Yes
  • UPC Barcode 20892228658
  • Cost Per Round 56.2¢ per round