Remington Core-Lokt Tipped 30-06 Ammunition - 20 Rounds of 150 Grain Polymer Tipped

  • Manufacturer - Remington
  • Grain Weight - 150 Grain
  • Muzzle Velocity - 2,930 fps
  • Jacket Type - Polymer Tipped
The Core-Lokt is a long-time favorite among American hunters. Remington has made a classic even better by adding a polymer tip. This 30-06 cartridge is loaded with the Core-Lokt Tipped – a flat-flying and especially hard-hitting deer, elk and boar bullet!

The 150 grain Core-Lokt Tip has the 0.415 G1 ballistic coefficient it needs to resist wind deflection, conserve downrange momentum and reach the 500 yard line with over 1,200 ft lbs of whitetail-walloping energy. The bullet owes its superior ability to overcome air resistance to its sharp green tip, as well as its rearward adjusted center of gravity, exemplary jacket concentricity and boat tail.

The Core-Lokt Tipped’s signature tip rests on the rim of its jacket and stops just shy of the base of its lead core’s nose cavity. On impact the hard tip slams into the core to trigger wide, shocking expansion – just what you need if you hate spending hours tracking a wounded quarry.

Like its predecessor, the Core-Lokt Tip’s core and jacket are mechanically locked together. The two components retain their combined weight to ensure effective penetration depth in addition to deadly mushrooming.

Brass-cased, Boxer-primed and reloadable – just like all American-made centerfire rifle cartridges should be!
  • Product Type Ammo
  • Manufacturer Remington
  • Condition New
  • Bullet Weight 150 Grain
  • Bullet Style Polymer Tipped
  • Use Type Boar Hunting, Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting
  • Casing Type Brass
  • Quantity 20
  • Caliber 30-06
  • Manufacturer SKU RT3006A
  • Primer Type Boxer
  • Muzzle Velocity 2930
  • Muzzle Energy 2859
  • Magnetic No
  • UPC Barcode 47700415307
  • Cost Per Round $1.95 per round