Remington Core-Lokt 30-06 Ammunition - 20 Rounds of 180 Grain SP

  • Manufacturer - Remington
  • Grain Weight - 180 Grain
  • Muzzle Velocity - 2,700 fps
  • Jacket Type - Soft Point (SP)
Fly Agaric. Podostroma Cornu-Damae. Conocybe Filaris. These are all deadly mushrooms. Do not put them on your pizza. But for our money, no mushroom is deadlier than that which is created by a good American-made soft point projectile like the Core-Lokt!

Remington loaded out this 30-06 cartridge with a heavier 180 grain Core-Lokt bullet, thus suiting it for whitetail and even larger game. The Core-Lokt’s copper jacket is locked to its solid lead core, which helps the bullet to remain intact and retain momentum as it plows through its target. The Core-Lokt’s jacket is additionally tapered. Because it becomes thinner the closer it gets to the tip, the jacket promotes fast expansion that can easily double the bullet’s diameter. Its heavier bullet may limit this round’s muzzle velocity to 2,700 fps, but its greater momentum and 0.248 G1 ballistic coefficient mean that the Core-Lokt conserves more than enough kinetic energy to take an elk past 200 yards.

These are premium American-made cartridges, complete with high-quality reloadable brass cases. The Core-Lokt’s round nose profile makes this ammo an especially good choice for 30-06 lever-action rifles like the Browning BLR!
  • Product Type Ammo
  • Manufacturer Remington
  • Condition New
  • Bullet Weight 180 Grain
  • Bullet Style Soft-Point (SP)
  • Use Type Boar Hunting, Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting
  • Casing Type Brass
  • Quantity 20
  • Caliber 30-06
  • Manufacturer SKU R30064
  • Primer Type Boxer
  • Muzzle Velocity 2700
  • Muzzle Energy 2913
  • Magnetic No
  • UPC Barcode 47700054803
  • Cost Per Round $1.5 per round