IPSC-AirSoft - 50 Target Barn Cardboard Targets

  • Target Material – Corrugated Board
  • Target Shape – Reduced Size Silhouette
  • Target Organization – United States Practical Shooting Association and others (not official)
  • Target Size – 12” x 20”

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An optional target used in competitions sanctioned by the United States Practical Shooting Association and several others. While this is not an official target, it is often used in various types of 3-Gun competitions. Its size is roughly half of a standard IPSC target, meaning clubs can shoot this target at 100 yards, and simulate a 200 yard shot. This target uses a thinner corrugated board, primarily designed to accept the rubber pellets used in AirSoft competitions.

The IPSC-AirSoft Target is a reduced size silhouette, approximately 12 inches wide by 20 inches high, and die-cut from corrugated board. The perforated scoring lines designate the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta USPSA official scoring zones. The targets are kraft brown on the front, and white on the back.

Don’t forget to order a few boxes of Tan Pasters (TP-TAN, boxed 1,000 per dispenser box) to cover the bullet holes in these targets.
  • Manufacturer Competitive Edge Dynamics
  • Product Type Targets
  • Manufacturer SKU USPSA-AirSoft
  • Quantity 50
  • Length (in.) 15
  • Width (in.) 9