Birchwood Casey 10 Inch Single Hole AR500 Gong

  • Manufacturer - Birchwood Casey
  • Manufacturer SKU - 47614
  • Target Diameter - 10”
  • Target Type - Gong
Aluminum is the gateway metal. Once you’ve riddled a few empty soda cans with a 22, you’ll thirst for bigger and bigger thrills. Get the ultimate fix with this 10” steel gong target by Birchwood Casey, the Texan target authority!

To call this gong “steel” is actually something of a disservice. It’s made of AR500, a high-carbon alloy that resists abrasion and fracturing even at very low temperatures. You’ll find AR500 used for many industrial purposes, so for targets it’s par excellence. Birchwood Casey makes this gong even more durable by casting it 3/8” thick, so you’ll be hard-pressed to find a cartridge that can put so much as a scratch on it.

This gong hangs by a single hole, and is optimal whether you prefer a hook or bolt for the job. Its central target area is bright orange for added visibility, but you’ll be able to paint your gong whatever color you feel best complements your style. Ideal for any rifle or handgun cartridge, your range deserves so high quality a centerpiece!

Important safety note: The manufacturer recommends maintaining at least 30 feet between you and this target when shooting.
  • Manufacturer Birchwood Casey
  • Product Type Targets
  • Manufacturer SKU 47614
  • Quantity 1
  • Length (in.) 10.0000
  • Width (in.) 10.0000
  • Height 0.3750
  • UPC Barcode 29057476149