B21-E Blue Silhouette 25 Yard Practice Target - Law Enforcement / Self-Defense - Champion - 75 Count

  • Manufacturer - Champion Traps & Targets
  • Material - Paper
  • Size/Shape - 22.5" x 35”
  • Type - Personal Defense Practice / Law Enforcement Training

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This paper target features a realistic and highly visible silhouette of a person reaching behind their back, presumably not to pull out something nice like an engagement ring or a six pack of delicious cherry cola. The target is delineated into zones, each numbered to correspond to how efficacious a shot placed there would neutralize a human-sized threat. The target is designed to most effectively be used at 25 feet, but you’ll not be disappointed if you position it at any practical distance.

This target is used extensively by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. You will appreciate Champion’s durable paper, which won’t easily tear and send your target fluttering to a range’s floor where you can’t retrieve it. A great value when you invest in 75 targets!
  • Manufacturer Champion
  • Product Type Targets
  • Manufacturer SKU 45759
  • Target Type Paper
  • Quantity 75
  • Length (in.) 35"
  • Width (in.) 22.5"
  • UPC Barcode 077683457599